#!/usr/bin/env python
# SARvey - A multitemporal InSAR time series tool for the derivation of displacements.
# Copyright (C) 2021-2024 Andreas Piter (IPI Hannover, piter@ipi.uni-hannover.de)
# This software was developed together with FERN.Lab (fernlab@gfz-potsdam.de) in the context
# of the SAR4Infra project with funds of the German Federal Ministry for Digital and
# Transport and contributions from Landesamt fuer Vermessung und Geoinformation
# Schleswig-Holstein and Landesbetrieb Strassenbau und Verkehr Schleswig-Holstein.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Important: This package uses PyMaxFlow. The core of PyMaxflows library is the C++
# implementation by Vladimir Kolmogorov. It is also licensed under the GPL, but it REQUIRES that you
# cite [BOYKOV04] (see LICENSE) in any resulting publication if you use this code for research purposes.
# This requirement extends to SARvey.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""Unwrapping module for SARvey."""
import multiprocessing
from os.path import join, dirname
import time
from typing import Union
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from kamui import unwrap_arbitrary
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from scipy.sparse.csgraph import structural_rank
from scipy.sparse.linalg import lsqr
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from logging import Logger
from mintpy.utils import ptime
import sarvey.utils as ut
from sarvey.ifg_network import IfgNetwork
from sarvey.objects import Network, NetworkParameter, AmplitudeImage
def objFuncTemporalCoherence(x, *args):
"""Compute temporal coherence from parameters and phase. To be used as objective function for optimization.
x: np.ndarray
Search space for the DEM error in a 1D grid.
args: tuple
Additional arguments: (design_mat, obs_phase, scale_vel, scale_demerr).
1 - gamma: float
(design_mat, obs_phase, scale_vel, scale_demerr) = args
# equalize the gradients in both directions
x[0] *= scale_demerr
x[1] *= scale_vel
pred_phase = np.matmul(design_mat, x)
res = (obs_phase - pred_phase.T).ravel()
gamma = np.abs(np.mean(np.exp(1j * res)))
return 1 - gamma
def gridSearchTemporalCoherence(*, demerr_grid: np.ndarray, vel_grid: np.ndarray, design_mat: np.ndarray,
obs_phase: np.ndarray):
"""Grid search which maximizes the temporal coherence as the objective function.
demerr_grid: np.ndarray
Search space for the DEM error in a 2D grid.
vel_grid: np.ndarray
Search space for the velocity in a 2D grid.
design_mat: np.ndarray
Design matrix for estimating parameters from arc phase.
obs_phase: np.ndarray
Observed phase of the arc.
demerr: float
estimated DEM error.
vel: float
estimated velocity.
gamma: float
estimated temporal coherence.
demerr_grid_flat = demerr_grid.flatten()
vel_grid_flat = vel_grid.flatten()
gamma_flat = np.array(
[1 - objFuncTemporalCoherence(np.array([demerr_grid_flat[i], vel_grid_flat[i]]),
design_mat, obs_phase, 1, 1)
for i in range(demerr_grid_flat.shape[0])])
gamma = gamma_flat.reshape(demerr_grid.shape)
idx_max_gamma = np.argmax(gamma_flat)
# return demerr_grid_flat[idx_max_gamma], vel_grid_flat[idx_max_gamma], gamma_flat[idx_max_gamma]
return demerr_grid_flat[idx_max_gamma], vel_grid_flat[idx_max_gamma], gamma
def findOptimum(*, obs_phase: np.ndarray, design_mat: np.ndarray, val_range: np.ndarray):
"""Find optimal value within a one dimensional search space that fits to the observed phase.
obs_phase: np.ndarray
Observed phase of the arc.
design_mat: np.ndarray
Design matrix for estimating parameters from arc phase.
val_range: np.ndarray
Range of possible values for the solution. Can be either for DEM error or velocity.
opt_val: scipy.optimize.minimize return value
gamma: float
pred_phase: np.ndarray
pred_phase = design_mat[:, np.newaxis] * val_range[np.newaxis, :] # broadcasting
if len(obs_phase.shape) == 2:
# step densification
res = obs_phase[:, np.newaxis, :] - pred_phase.T
res = np.moveaxis(res, 0, 1)
res = res.reshape((pred_phase.shape[1], -1)) # combine residuals from all arcs
# step consistency check
res = obs_phase - pred_phase.T
gamma = np.abs(np.mean(np.exp(1j * res), axis=1))
max_idx = np.argmax(gamma)
opt_val = val_range[max_idx]
return opt_val, gamma[max_idx], pred_phase[:, max_idx]
def oneDimSearchTemporalCoherence(*, demerr_range: np.ndarray, vel_range: np.ndarray, obs_phase: np.ndarray,
design_mat: np.ndarray):
"""One dimensional search for maximum temporal coherence that fits the observed arc phase.
demerr_range: np.ndarray
Search space for the DEM error in a 1D grid.
vel_range: np.ndarray
Search space for the velocity in a 1D grid.
design_mat: np.ndarray
Design matrix for estimating parameters from arc phase.
obs_phase: np.ndarray
Observed phase of the arc.
demerr: float
vel: float
gamma: float
demerr, gamma_demerr, pred_phase_demerr = findOptimum(
design_mat=design_mat[:, 0],
vel, gamma_vel, pred_phase_vel = findOptimum(
design_mat=design_mat[:, 1],
if gamma_vel > gamma_demerr:
demerr, gamma_demerr, pred_phase_demerr = findOptimum(
obs_phase=obs_phase - pred_phase_vel,
design_mat=design_mat[:, 0],
vel, gamma_vel, pred_phase_vel = findOptimum(
obs_phase=obs_phase - pred_phase_demerr,
design_mat=design_mat[:, 1],
vel, gamma_vel, pred_phase_vel = findOptimum(
obs_phase=obs_phase - pred_phase_demerr,
design_mat=design_mat[:, 1],
demerr, gamma_demerr, pred_phase_demerr = findOptimum(
obs_phase=obs_phase - pred_phase_vel,
design_mat=design_mat[:, 0],
# improve initial estimate with gradient descent approach
scale_demerr = demerr_range.max()
scale_vel = vel_range.max()
demerr, vel, gamma = gradientSearchTemporalCoherence(
x0=np.array([demerr / scale_demerr,
vel / scale_vel]).T
pred_phase = np.matmul(design_mat, np.array([demerr, vel]))
res = (obs_phase - pred_phase.T).ravel()
gamma = np.abs(np.mean(np.exp(1j * res)))
return demerr, vel, gamma
def gradientSearchTemporalCoherence(*, scale_vel: float, scale_demerr: float, obs_phase: np.ndarray,
design_mat: np.ndarray, x0: np.ndarray):
scale_demerr: float
Scaling factor for DEM error to equalize the axis of the search space.
scale_vel: float
Scaling factor for velocity to equalize the axis of the search space.
design_mat: np.ndarray
Design matrix for estimating parameters from arc phase.
obs_phase: np.ndarray
Observed phase of the arc.
x0: np.ndarray
Initial values for optimization.
demerr: float
vel: float
gamma: float
opt_res = minimize(
args=(design_mat, obs_phase, scale_vel, scale_demerr),
bounds=((-1, 1), (-1, 1)),
gamma = 1 - opt_res.fun
demerr = opt_res.x[0] * scale_demerr
vel = opt_res.x[1] * scale_vel
return demerr, vel, gamma
def launchAmbiguityFunctionSearch(parameters: tuple):
"""Wrap for launching ambiguity function for temporal unwrapping in parallel.
parameters: tuple
Arguments for temporal unwrapping in parallel.
arc_idx_range: np.ndarray
demerr: np.ndarray
vel: np.ndarray
gamma: np.ndarray
(arc_idx_range, num_arcs, phase, slant_range, loc_inc, ifg_net_obj, wavelength, velocity_bound, demerr_bound,
num_samples) = parameters
demerr = np.zeros((num_arcs, 1), dtype=np.float32)
vel = np.zeros((num_arcs, 1), dtype=np.float32)
gamma = np.zeros((num_arcs, 1), dtype=np.float32)
design_mat = np.zeros((ifg_net_obj.num_ifgs, 2), dtype=np.float32)
demerr_range = np.linspace(-demerr_bound, demerr_bound, num_samples)
vel_range = np.linspace(-velocity_bound, velocity_bound, num_samples)
# prog_bar = ptime.progressBar(maxValue=num_arcs)
factor = 4 * np.pi / wavelength
for k in range(num_arcs):
design_mat[:, 0] = factor * ifg_net_obj.pbase_ifg / (slant_range[k] * np.sin(loc_inc[k]))
design_mat[:, 1] = factor * ifg_net_obj.tbase_ifg
demerr[k], vel[k], gamma[k] = oneDimSearchTemporalCoherence(
obs_phase=phase[k, :],
return arc_idx_range, demerr, vel, gamma
def temporalUnwrapping(*, ifg_net_obj: IfgNetwork, net_obj: Network, wavelength: float, velocity_bound: float,
demerr_bound: float, num_samples: int, num_cores: int = 1, logger: Logger) -> \
tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Solve ambiguities for every arc in spatial Network object.
ifg_net_obj: IfgNetwork
The IfgNetwork object.
net_obj: Network
The Network object.
wavelength: float
The wavelength.
velocity_bound: float
The velocity bound.
demerr_bound: float
The DEM error bound.
num_samples: int
The number of samples for the search space.
num_cores: int
Number of cores to be used. Default is 1.
logger: Logger
Logging handler.
demerr: np.ndarray
vel: np.ndarray
gamma: np.ndarray
msg = "#" * 10
msg += "#" * 10
start_time = time.time()
if num_cores == 1:
args = (
np.arange(net_obj.num_arcs), net_obj.num_arcs, net_obj.phase,
net_obj.slant_range, net_obj.loc_inc, ifg_net_obj, wavelength, velocity_bound, demerr_bound, num_samples)
arc_idx_range, demerr, vel, gamma = launchAmbiguityFunctionSearch(parameters=args)
logger.info(msg="start parallel processing with {} cores.".format(num_cores))
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=num_cores)
demerr = np.zeros((net_obj.num_arcs, 1), dtype=np.float32)
vel = np.zeros((net_obj.num_arcs, 1), dtype=np.float32)
gamma = np.zeros((net_obj.num_arcs, 1), dtype=np.float32)
num_cores = net_obj.num_arcs if num_cores > net_obj.num_arcs else num_cores # avoids having more samples then
# cores
idx = ut.splitDatasetForParallelProcessing(num_samples=net_obj.num_arcs, num_cores=num_cores)
args = [(
net_obj.phase[idx_range, :],
num_samples) for idx_range in idx]
results = pool.map(func=launchAmbiguityFunctionSearch, iterable=args)
# retrieve results
for i, demerr_i, vel_i, gamma_i in results:
demerr[i] = demerr_i
vel[i] = vel_i
gamma[i] = gamma_i
m, s = divmod(time.time() - start_time, 60)
logger.info(msg="Finished temporal unwrapping.")
logger.debug(msg='time used: {:02.0f} mins {:02.1f} secs.'.format(m, s))
return demerr, vel, gamma
def launchSpatialUnwrapping(parameters: tuple) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
parameters: tuple
idx_range, num_ifgs, num_points, edges, phase
idx_range: np.ndarray
unw_phase: np.ndarray
# Unpack the parameters
(idx_range, num_ifgs, num_points, method, edges, phase) = parameters
prog_bar = ptime.progressBar(maxValue=num_ifgs)
unw_phase = np.zeros((num_points, num_ifgs), dtype=np.float32)
# Perform the PUMA phase unwrapping
for i in range(num_ifgs):
if method == "puma":
unw_phase[:, i] = unwrap_arbitrary(
psi=phase[:, i],
unw_phase[:, i] = unwrap_arbitrary(
psi=phase[:, i],
simplices=None, # todo: compute simplices for ILP
prog_bar.update(value=i + 1, every=1,
suffix='{}/{} ifgs unwrapped. '.format(i + 1, num_ifgs))
unw_phase = unw_phase - np.mean(unw_phase, axis=0)
return idx_range, unw_phase
def spatialUnwrapping(*, num_ifgs: int, num_points: int, phase: np.ndarray, edges: np.ndarray, method: str,
num_cores: int, logger: Logger):
"""Spatial unwrapping of interferograms for a set of points.
num_ifgs: int
Number of interferograms.
num_points: int
Number of points.
phase: np.ndarray
Phase of the interferograms at the points.
edges: np.ndarray
Edges/arcs of the graph.
method: str
Method for spatial unwrapping (puma or ilp).
num_cores: int
Number of cores to be used in multiprocessing.
logger: Logger
Logging handler.
unw_phase: np.ndarray
Unwrapped phase of the interferograms at the points.
msg = "#" * 10
msg += f" SPATIAL UNWRAPPING: {method} "
msg += "#" * 10
start_time = time.time()
if num_cores == 1:
parameters = (
idx_range, unw_phase = launchSpatialUnwrapping(parameters=parameters)
logger.info(msg="start parallel processing with {} cores.".format(num_cores))
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=num_cores)
unw_phase = np.zeros((num_points, num_ifgs), dtype=np.float32)
num_cores = num_ifgs if num_cores > num_ifgs else num_cores
# avoids having more samples than cores
idx = ut.splitDatasetForParallelProcessing(num_samples=num_ifgs, num_cores=num_cores)
args = [(
phase[:, idx_range]) for idx_range in idx]
results = pool.map(func=launchSpatialUnwrapping, iterable=args)
# retrieve results
for i, phase in results:
unw_phase[:, i] = phase
m, s = divmod(time.time() - start_time, 60)
logger.debug(msg='time used: {:02.0f} mins {:02.1f} secs.'.format(m, s))
return unw_phase
def spatialParameterIntegrationIterative(*,
val_arcs: np.ndarray,
all_arcs: np.ndarray,
coord_xy: np.ndarray,
all_weights: np.ndarray,
spatial_ref_idx: int = 0,
res_tol: float = 1e-3,
max_rm_fraction: float = 0.001,
logger: Logger):
"""Unwrapping double-difference arc parameters spatially.
The parameters at the arcs are integrated spatially to the points. The integration is done iteratively using
least-squares by removing the arcs with the highest residuals in each iteration.
The integration stops when the sum of the residuals is below a threshold.
Function is adopted from StaMPS software (Hooper et al., 2007).
val_arcs: np.ndarray
Value at the arcs (e.g. DEM error, velocity).
all_arcs: np.ndarray
Arcs of the spatial network.
coord_xy: np.ndarray
Radar coordinates of the points in the spatial network.
all_weights: np.ndarray
Weights of the arcs (e.g. temporal coherence from temporal unwrapping)
spatial_ref_idx: int
Index of the spatial reference point (default = 0). Can be arbitrary.
res_tol: float
Threshold on the sum of the residual phase (default = 1e-3). Convergence criterion.
max_rm_fraction: float
Fraction of the arcs that are removed in each iteration (default = 0.001).
logger: Logger
Logging handler
val_points: np.ndarray
Estimated parameters at the points resulting from the integration of the parameters at the arcs.
all_arcs = np.array(all_arcs)
num_points = coord_xy.shape[0]
num_arcs = all_arcs.shape[0]
# create design matrix
a = np.zeros((num_arcs, num_points))
for i in range(num_arcs):
a[i, all_arcs[i][0]] = 1
a[i, all_arcs[i][1]] = -1
# find the number of arcs per point
arcs_per_point = np.zeros(num_points, )
for i in range(num_points):
arcs_per_point[i] = np.where(a[:, i] != 0)[0].shape[0]
# remove reference point from design matrix
all_a = csr_matrix(all_weights * np.delete(a, spatial_ref_idx, 1))
# don't even start if the network is not connected
if structural_rank(all_a) < all_a.shape[1]:
logger.exception(msg="Spatial point network is not connected. Phase cannot be unwrapped!")
raise Exception
# set n_bad to maximum fraction of bad edges that can be removed
n_bad = np.ceil(num_arcs * max_rm_fraction).astype(np.int16)
# initialize output
val_points = np.zeros((num_points,))
points_idx = np.ones((num_points,), dtype=bool)
points_idx[spatial_ref_idx] = False
x_hat = np.zeros((num_points - 1,))
start_time = time.time()
arcs = all_arcs
obv_vec = val_arcs.reshape(-1, ) * all_weights.reshape(-1, )
a = all_a
weights = all_weights
num_arcs = obv_vec.size
r = None
num_arcs_save = None
arcs_save = None
a_save = None
weights_save = None
obv_vec_save = None
i = 0
while True:
if structural_rank(a) >= a.shape[1]:
x_hat[:] = lsqr(a, obv_vec)[0]
# store the current version of variables, being able to go back to previous iteration if too many arcs
# removed
a_save = a
obv_vec_save = obv_vec
weights_save = weights
arcs_save = arcs
num_arcs_save = num_arcs
# compute residuals
r = obv_vec - np.matmul(a.toarray(), x_hat)
else: # network is not connected anymore, remove less psPoints and try again
# x_hat = np.linalg.lstsq(a_save, obv_vec_save, rcond=None)[0] # unclear: I think it is not necessary to
# recompute the inversion.
n_bad = np.ceil(n_bad / 10).astype(np.int16) # remove less point
if np.all(np.abs(r) < res_tol):
# drop arcs with the highest residuals, but only drop max one arc per point
ps_w_dropped_arc = np.zeros((num_points,))
good_arc_idx = np.ones((num_arcs_save,), dtype=bool)
r_sort_idx = np.abs(r).argsort()[::-1] # descending order, makes for loop easier
for j in range(n_bad): # remove arcs one by one
bad_arc_idx = r_sort_idx[j]
ps_idx0 = arcs_save[bad_arc_idx][0]
ps_idx1 = arcs_save[bad_arc_idx][1]
if (ps_w_dropped_arc[ps_idx0] == 0) and (ps_w_dropped_arc[
ps_idx1] == 0): # if arc not already dropped for either
# point of current arc drop current arc
good_arc_idx[bad_arc_idx] = False
# mark both psPoints from the arc as having an arc dropped
ps_w_dropped_arc[ps_idx0] = 1
ps_w_dropped_arc[ps_idx1] = 1
# update all variables for next iteration
arcs = arcs_save[good_arc_idx, :]
obv_vec = obv_vec_save[good_arc_idx]
a = a_save[good_arc_idx, :]
weights = weights_save[good_arc_idx]
num_arcs = obv_vec.size
i += 1
val_points[points_idx] = x_hat
m, s = divmod(time.time() - start_time, 60)
logger.debug(msg='time used: {:02.0f} mins {:02.1f} secs.\n'.format(m, s))
return val_points
def spatialParameterIntegration(*,
val_arcs: np.ndarray,
arcs: np.ndarray,
coord_xy: np.ndarray,
weights: np.ndarray,
spatial_ref_idx: int = 0,
logger: Logger):
"""Unwrapping double-difference arc parameters spatially.
The parameters at the arcs are integrated spatially to the points. The integration is done using least-squares.
val_arcs: np.ndarray
Value at the arcs (e.g. DEM error, velocity).
arcs: np.ndarray
Arcs of the spatial network.
coord_xy: np.ndarray
Radar coordinates of the points in the spatial network.
weights: np.ndarray
Weights of the arcs (e.g. temporal coherence from temporal unwrapping)
spatial_ref_idx: int
Index of the spatial reference point (default = 0). Can be arbitrary.
logger: Logger
Logging handler
val_points: np.ndarray
Estimated parameters at the points resulting from the integration of the parameters at the arcs.
arcs = np.array(arcs)
num_points = coord_xy.shape[0]
num_arcs = arcs.shape[0]
# create design matrix
design_mat = np.zeros((num_arcs, num_points))
for i in range(num_arcs):
design_mat[i, arcs[i][0]] = 1
design_mat[i, arcs[i][1]] = -1
# remove reference point from design matrix
design_mat = csr_matrix(weights * np.delete(design_mat, spatial_ref_idx, 1))
# don't even start if the network is not connected
if structural_rank(design_mat) < design_mat.shape[1]:
raise Exception("Spatial point network is not connected. Cannot integrate parameters spatially!")
start_time = time.time()
obv_vec = val_arcs.reshape(-1, ) * weights.reshape(-1, )
x_hat = lsqr(design_mat, obv_vec)[0]
m, s = divmod(time.time() - start_time, 60)
logger.debug(msg='time used: {:02.0f} mins {:02.1f} secs.'.format(m, s))
val_points = np.zeros((num_points,))
points_idx = np.ones((num_points,), dtype=bool)
points_idx[spatial_ref_idx] = False
val_points[points_idx] = x_hat
return val_points
def computeNumArcsPerPoints(*, net_obj: Network, point_id: np.ndarray,
logger: Logger) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Remove Points with less than specified number of arcs.
net_obj: Network
The spatial Network object.
point_id: np.ndarray
ID of the points in the network.
logger: Logger
Logging handler.
design_mat: np.ndarray
Design matrix of the spatial network
arcs_per_point: np.ndarray
Number of arcs that each point is connected with.
logger.info(msg="Removal of arcs and PSC that cannot be tested.")
num_points = point_id.shape[0]
# create design matrix
design_mat = np.zeros((net_obj.num_arcs, num_points))
for i in range(net_obj.num_arcs):
design_mat[i, net_obj.arcs[i][0]] = 1
design_mat[i, net_obj.arcs[i][1]] = -1
# find the number of arcs per point
arcs_per_point = np.zeros(num_points, )
for i in range(num_points):
arcs_per_point[i] = np.where(design_mat[:, i] != 0)[0].shape[0]
return design_mat, arcs_per_point
def computeAvgCoherencePerPoint(*, net_obj: Network, point_id: np.ndarray, logger: Logger) -> np.ndarray:
"""Compute the average coherence from all arcs that a point is connected with. Used to remove incoherent points.
net_obj: Network
The Network object.
point_id: np.ndarray
ID of the points in the network.
logger: Logger
Logging handler.
mean_gamma_point: np.ndarray
Average coherence per point
logger.info(msg="Removal of points whose arcs are incoherent in average.")
num_points = point_id.shape[0]
# create design matrix
a = np.zeros((net_obj.num_arcs, num_points))
for i in range(net_obj.num_arcs):
a[i, net_obj.arcs[i][0]] = net_obj.gamma[i]
a[i, net_obj.arcs[i][1]] = net_obj.gamma[i]
a[a == 0] = np.nan
mean_gamma_point = np.nanmean(a, axis=0)
return mean_gamma_point
def removeArcsByPointMask(*, net_obj: Union[Network, NetworkParameter], point_id: np.ndarray, coord_xy: np.ndarray,
p_mask: np.ndarray, design_mat: np.ndarray,
logger: Logger) -> tuple[Network, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Remove all entries related to the arc observations connected to the points which have a False value in p_mask.
net_obj: Network
The Network object.
point_id: np.ndarray
ID of the points in the network.
coord_xy: np.ndarray
Radar coordinates of the points in the spatial network.
p_mask: np.ndarray
Boolean mask with True for points to keep, and False for points to remove.
design_mat: np.ndarray
Design matrix describing the relation between arcs and points.
logger: Logger
Logging handler.
net_obj: Network
Network object without the removed arcs and points.
point_id: np.ndarray
ID of the points in the network without the removed points.
coord_xy: np.ndarray
Radar coordinates of the points in the spatial network without the removed points.
design_mat: np.ndarray
Design matrix describing the relation between arcs and points without the removed points and arcs.
# find respective arcs
a_idx = list()
for p_idx in np.where(~p_mask)[0]:
a_idx.append(np.where(design_mat[:, p_idx] != 0)[0])
if len(a_idx) != 0:
a_idx = np.hstack(a_idx)
a_mask = np.ones((net_obj.num_arcs,), dtype=np.bool_)
a_mask[a_idx] = False
design_mat = design_mat[a_mask, :]
a_idx = np.array(a_idx) # so I can check the size
# remove psPoints
point_id = point_id[p_mask]
design_mat = design_mat[:, p_mask]
coord_xy = coord_xy[p_mask, :]
# beside removing the arcs in "arcs", the tuple indices have to be changed to make them fit to new point indices
for p_idx in np.sort(np.where(~p_mask)[0])[::-1]:
net_obj.arcs[np.where((net_obj.arcs[:, 0] > p_idx)), 0] -= 1
net_obj.arcs[np.where((net_obj.arcs[:, 1] > p_idx)), 1] -= 1
logger.info(msg="Removed {} arc(s) connected to the removed point(s)".format(a_idx.size))
return net_obj, point_id, coord_xy, design_mat
def removeGrossOutliers(*, net_obj: Network, point_id: np.ndarray, coord_xy: np.ndarray, min_num_arc: int = 3,
quality_thrsh: float = 0.0,
logger: Logger) -> tuple[Network, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Remove both gross outliers which have many low quality arcs and points which are not well connected.
net_obj: Network
The spatial Network object.
point_id: np.ndarray
ID of the points in the network.
coord_xy: np.ndarray
Radar coordinates of the points in the spatial network.
min_num_arc: int
Threshold on the minimal number of arcs per point. Default = 3.
quality_thrsh: float
Threshold on the temporal coherence of the arcs. Default = 0.0.
logger: Logger
Logging handler.
net_obj: Network
Network object without the removed arcs and points.
point_id: np.ndarray
ID of the points in the network without the removed points.
coord_xy: np.ndarray
Radar coordinates of the points in the spatial network without the removed points.
a: np.ndarray
Design matrix describing the relation between arcs and points without the removed points and arcs.
logger.info(msg="Detect points with low quality arcs (mean): < {}".format(quality_thrsh))
mean_gamma_point = computeAvgCoherencePerPoint(net_obj=net_obj,
point_id=point_id, logger=logger)
# not yet removed, because arcs are removed separately
p_mask_mean_coh = (mean_gamma_point >= quality_thrsh).ravel()
logger.info(msg="Detected {} point(s) with mean coherence of all connected arcs < {} ".format(
p_mask_mean_coh[~p_mask_mean_coh].shape[0], quality_thrsh))
logger.info(msg="Removal of low quality arcs: < {}".format(quality_thrsh))
a_mask = (net_obj.gamma >= quality_thrsh).ravel()
logger.info(msg="Removed {} arc(s)".format(a_mask[~a_mask].shape[0]))
design_mat, arcs_per_point = computeNumArcsPerPoints(net_obj=net_obj, point_id=point_id, logger=logger)
p_mask_num_arcs = (arcs_per_point >= min_num_arc).ravel()
logger.info(msg="Detected {} point(s) with less than {} arcs".format(p_mask_num_arcs[~p_mask_num_arcs].shape[0],
# remove them jointly
p_mask = p_mask_num_arcs & p_mask_mean_coh
logger.info(msg="Remove {} point(s)".format(p_mask[~p_mask].shape[0]))
net_obj, point_id, coord_xy, design_mat = removeArcsByPointMask(net_obj=net_obj, point_id=point_id,
coord_xy=coord_xy, p_mask=p_mask,
design_mat=design_mat, logger=logger)
return net_obj, point_id, coord_xy, design_mat
def parameterBasedNoisyPointRemoval(*, net_par_obj: NetworkParameter, point_id: np.ndarray, coord_xy: np.ndarray,
design_mat: np.ndarray, rmse_thrsh: float = 0.02, num_points_remove: int = 1,
bmap_obj: AmplitudeImage = None, bool_plot: bool = False,
logger: Logger):
"""Remove Points during spatial integration step if residuals at many connected arcs are high.
The idea is similar to outlier removal in DePSI, but without hypothesis testing.
It can be used as a preprocessing step to spatial integration.
The points are removed based on the RMSE computed from the residuals of the parameters (DEM error, velocity) per
arc. The point with the highest RMSE is removed in each iteration. The process stops when the maximum RMSE is below
a threshold.
net_par_obj: NetworkParameter
The spatial NetworkParameter object containing the parameters estimates at each arc.
point_id: np.ndarray
ID of the points in the network.
coord_xy: np.ndarray
Radar coordinates of the points in the spatial network.
design_mat: np.ndarray
Design matrix describing the relation between arcs and points.
rmse_thrsh: float
Threshold for the RMSE of the residuals per point. Default = 0.02.
num_points_remove: int
Number of points to remove in each iteration. Default = 1.
bmap_obj: AmplitudeImage
Basemap object for plotting. Default = None.
bool_plot: bool
Plot the RMSE per point. Default = False.
logger: Logger
Logging handler.
spatial_ref_id: int
ID of the spatial reference point.
point_id: np.ndarray
ID of the points in the network without the removed points.
net_par_obj: NetworkParameter
The NetworkParameter object without the removed points.
msg = "#" * 10
msg += "#" * 10
num_points = point_id.shape[0]
logger.info(msg="Selection of the reference PSC")
# select one of the two pixels which are connected via the arc with the highest quality
spatial_ref_idx = np.where(design_mat[np.argmax(net_par_obj.gamma), :] != 0)[0][0]
coord_xy = np.delete(arr=coord_xy, obj=spatial_ref_idx, axis=0)
spatial_ref_id = point_id[spatial_ref_idx]
point_id = np.delete(arr=point_id, obj=spatial_ref_idx, axis=0)
num_points -= 1
# remove reference point from design matrix
design_mat = net_par_obj.gamma * np.delete(arr=design_mat, obj=spatial_ref_idx, axis=1)
logger.info(msg="Spatial integration to detect noisy point")
start_time = time.time()
it_count = 0
while True:
logger.info(msg="ITERATION: {}".format(it_count))
design_mat = csr_matrix(design_mat)
if structural_rank(design_mat) < design_mat.shape[1]:
logger.error(msg="Singular normal matrix. Network is no longer connected!")
# point_id = np.sort(np.hstack([spatial_ref_id, point_id]))
# return spatial_ref_id, point_id, net_par_obj
raise ValueError
# demerr
obv_vec = net_par_obj.demerr.reshape(-1, )
demerr_points = lsqr(design_mat.toarray(), obv_vec * net_par_obj.gamma.reshape(-1, ))[0]
r_demerr = obv_vec - np.matmul(design_mat.toarray(), demerr_points)
# vel
obv_vec = net_par_obj.vel.reshape(-1, )
vel_points = lsqr(design_mat.toarray(), obv_vec * net_par_obj.gamma.reshape(-1, ))[0]
r_vel = obv_vec - np.matmul(design_mat.toarray(), vel_points)
rmse_demerr = np.zeros((num_points,))
rmse_vel = np.zeros((num_points,))
for p in range(num_points):
r_mask = design_mat[:, p].toarray() != 0
rmse_demerr[p] = np.sqrt(np.mean(r_demerr[r_mask.ravel()].ravel() ** 2))
rmse_vel[p] = np.sqrt(np.mean(r_vel[r_mask.ravel()].ravel() ** 2))
rmse = rmse_vel.copy()
max_rmse = np.max(rmse.ravel())
logger.info(msg="Maximum RMSE DEM correction: {:.2f} m".format(np.max(rmse_demerr.ravel())))
logger.info(msg="Maximum RMSE velocity: {:.4f} m / year".format(np.max(rmse_vel.ravel())))
if bool_plot:
# vel
ax = bmap_obj.plot(logger=logger)
sc = ax.scatter(coord_xy[:, 1], coord_xy[:, 0], c=rmse_vel * 1000, s=3.5,
cmap=plt.cm.get_cmap("autumn_r"), vmin=0, vmax=rmse_thrsh * 1000)
plt.colorbar(sc, pad=0.03, shrink=0.5)
ax.set_title("{}. iteration\nmean velocity - RMSE per point in [mm / year]".format(it_count))
fig = ax.get_figure()
fig.savefig(join(dirname(net_par_obj.file_path), "pic", f"step_1_rmse_vel_{it_count}th_iter.png"),
# demerr
ax = bmap_obj.plot(logger=logger)
sc = ax.scatter(coord_xy[:, 1], coord_xy[:, 0], c=rmse_demerr, s=3.5,
plt.colorbar(sc, pad=0.03, shrink=0.5)
ax.set_title("{}. iteration\nDEM correction - RMSE per point in [m]".format(it_count))
fig = ax.get_figure()
fig.savefig(join(dirname(net_par_obj.file_path), "pic",
if max_rmse <= rmse_thrsh:
logger.info(msg="No noisy pixels detected.")
# remove point with highest rmse
p_mask = np.ones((num_points,), dtype=np.bool_)
p_mask[np.argsort(rmse)[::-1][:num_points_remove]] = False # see description of function removeArcsByPointMask
net_par_obj, point_id, coord_xy, design_mat = removeArcsByPointMask(net_obj=net_par_obj, point_id=point_id,
coord_xy=coord_xy, p_mask=p_mask,
num_points -= num_points_remove
it_count += 1
m, s = divmod(time.time() - start_time, 60)
logger.debug(msg='time used: {:02.0f} mins {:02.1f} secs.'.format(m, s))
# add spatialRefIdx back to point_id
point_id = np.sort(np.hstack([spatial_ref_id, point_id]))
return spatial_ref_id, point_id, net_par_obj